Farm Fayre


What is Farm Fayre's offering?

Farm Fayre has reimagined the “Old Market Square”, peer to peer style trading, into a new and dynamic online environment. In times gone by Farmers met in the old Market Square, or Fayre. We have brought that essence online to create an environment where Sellers and Buyers can meet and trade with minimum interference.

What are Farm Fayre's guiding principles?

We see the guiding principles to be easily measured. These are

  • Sellers are ensured payment in a timely manner; &,
  • Buyers are ensured that they receive the livestock they were offered.

Sellers, list your livestock in our easy to use platform, filling in the important details Buyers need to know. Buyers, you’ll have ample time to browse the listings, ask questions in advance, and ensure you are completely satisfied with what you are bidding on. When the sales rooms open you can bid on any Lots, that grab your attention, in an open and transparent environment. The winning bidder transfers funds to the secure payment provider, where they sit, safe and protected. Next the trusted haulier network collects the livestock straight from the Seller’s farmyard, the animals are weighed en route, and delivered to the Buyer’s farmyard, with no stress on man or beast. After delivery, with all parties satisfied, the funds are released to the Seller. It’s simple really – Buyers get their livestock as listed and the Seller gets paid.

What are the benefits of using Farm Fayre?

For the busy farmer Farm Fayre offers the convenience of being able to buy and sell livestock online from anywhere and at anytime that suits you.
Imagine as a Buyer sitting in the comfort of your own home browsing through the available livestock, asking questions directly to the Seller, bidding, effortlessly transferring funds for your purchases, and your livestock being delivered to your farmyard at a pre-notified time. No hassle, simple and straight-forward.
Now, as a Seller imagine simply taking photos and videos of your livestock without them even leaving your field, listing your livestock quickly and easily, providing the relevant details Buyers need, setting your “Reserve” &/or “Buy Now” prices, and answering any specific queries Buyers may have. After the sale your livestock are collected from your farmyard, at a pre-notified time, and your funds are transferred into your account without any further actions from your end. No hassle, simple and straight-forward.

What are the costs in using the service?

As a Seller if your livestock don’t sell there is no charge; and, as a Buyer if you don’t make a purchase there is no charge. For Buyer’s & Seller’s fees please login – link “login” to this page

I am registered as a Visitor on Farm Fayre, and I want to bid on a listing, what must I do?

To bid on lots you must first register as a Buyer, complete the short application, enter the relevant details including your herd number(s). After that simply place a small pre-bidding deposit (see below) and bid away to your hearts content.

I am a registered Buyer on Farm Fayre, and I want to add a listing, what must I do?

To post a listing, you must first register as a Seller by completing the short application, where you will need to provide proof of identity & herd number(s).
You’ll also need to set up a Trustap account, as they will ensure that after you are registered your funds will arrive in your account as soon as any sales are settled.
After you have completed registration simply click on “Post A Listing”, fill out the relevant details, upload your photos and videos, and submit. We’ve designed the platform to be as intuitive and straightforward as possible to ensure you can spend your time where it is most productive to you.

What livestock can be sold through Farm Fayre?

We are currently focused on the buying and selling of cattle; but, watch this space as other exciting options to come in the near future.

What is the deadline for the listing of livestock?

As a Seller you must have your livestock listed a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the sales room closing.For South Leinster the deadline for listing your livestock is 12:00 pm Sunday, as the first Lot sales room closes at 12:00 pm on Tuesday. South Leinster is the beginning, we will soon be servicing the entire Country, so please check back regularly for updates, or sign up for our newsletter.

Is there a charge if my livestock are not sold?

No, here at Farm Fayre we like keeping things simple to minimise costs for you. If your livestock are not sold there is no charge and you have the option of relisting your livestock again until you get the price you are satisfied with.

Can I list my livestock in other regions?

Initially we are launching in South Leinster (Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Wexford, & Wicklow), so only Members in that area can List, Sell or Buy.
Don’t worry though we are expanding nationwide shortly. So why not subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date.

Is there a minimum Lot size for posting a Listing?

To ensure efficiency for Sellers and Buyers the minimum Lot size is 3 livestock. This is designed around the Trusted Haulier Network so that you get the best rates and all round deal. Going forward as our Network grows we expect to update these details.

When does the listing room open?

The South Leinster listing room opens every Tuesday at 6:00 pm, meaning you can list your livestock anytime after 6:00 pm Tuesday for the next sale. We recommend listing your livestock as early as possible so as many Buyers as possible can see them.

I straddle between two "Areas", how is it decided which area my livestock are listed in?

The area livestock are listed in is determined by the collection address from where the livestock will be collected by the haulier.

What counties are included in South Leinster?

Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Wexford & Wicklow.

I have sold a lot on Farm Fayre, how can I arrange collection?

Your contact information, as input at registration, and the Lot details are passed directly to the haulier subsequent to receipt of payment from the Buyer. You will receive an SMS and email in advance with approximate collection times.

When does the Bidding begin?

Bidding opens and remains open for 24 hours. For South Leinster this means Bidding opens at 12:00 pm (midday) Monday and you can bid right up to the close of each Lot.

When does the Bidding close?

For South Leinster bidding closes on the first Lot at 12:00 pm Tuesday. Each subsequent Lot closes at 2 minute intervals afterwards. That being, the second Lot closes at 12:02 pm, the third Lot closes at 12.04 pm, the fourth Lot closes at 12:06 pm, etc., until all Lots are completed.

Can I ask questions of a Seller on areas not covered in the Listing?

Yes, we have built our platform to ensure both Buyers and Sellers can access all the information they require to make a fully informed decision. As soon as a Lot has been listed you access it’s sale room and browse the individual livestock or ask questions of the Seller prior to bidding opening. Seller’s have the option to respond in an open forum, where all Buyers can see past questions and answers. Important:- The chat function is not intended for chatting/discussion; it is designed to post questions and answers relevant to that specific Lot only. Any discussions outside this may be removed.

How long in advance can I browse through the livestock?

Lots are immediately visible by Buyers after being Listed by the Seller and confirmed. As Sellers must list a minimum of 48 hours in advance, you will have a least 48 hours to browse and ask questions.

Where can I find the amount of a hold or deposit I have placed?

Go to “My Farm Fayre” and under “Transactions” you can see the amount on hold or deposit.

I have purchased a lot on Farm Fayre, how can I arrange delivery?

Your contact information, as input at registration, and the Lot details are passed directly to the haulier subsequent to receipt of your payment. You will receive an SMS and email in advance with approximate delivery times.

What assurances are in place for livestock traded using Farm Fayre?

It is a foundation stone of the Farm Fayre platform that all parties agree to act in good faith. Building upon this all Sellers must make the below declaration at submission point of posting a listing:

  1.  All information/documentation as presented herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge; &,
  2. All livestock listed herein are healthy, fit for sale, and free of disease and/or injury; &
  3.  All livestock listed herein are clearly presented in the attached images & video(s) in alignment with Farm Fayre’s listing policies; &,
  4. ONLY listed livestock are presented in the attached images and videos, and no livestock not for sale in this Lot are shown in images or video; &,
  5. None of livestock listed have received antibiotics within the last 28 days; &
  6. None of the listed livestock are in calf;
    Therefore, if any of the Seller’s declaration is false the Buyer may open a complaint and the Arbitrator shall contact you to investigate same. If the Seller is deemed to have misrepresented their Livestock the Buyer may request the return of the livestock to the Seller, at the Seller’s expense and for the Buyer’s funds to be returned without delay.

What assurances are in place for Sellers using Farm Fayre?

Each Buyer, prior to Bidding, must place a pre bidding deposit with the third party payment provider whom are regulated and provide protection for the Seller’s funds. If the bidding party fails to settle the amount at checkout they forfeit this deposit and part of which is delivered to the Seller for the inconvenience.
Most importantly the Seller’s livestock never leaves their Farmyard without the Buyer’s fund being held on account; therefore minimising any risk of non settlement for the Seller.

How much of a pre-bidding deposit, should I place on hold?

Prior to bidding Buyers agree to place a “pre bidding deposit”, of 10%, on hold. For example if you expect to bid on €10,000 (cumulatively) worth of livestock, you should place a minimum pre-bidding deposit of €1,000. When you reach 10 times your pre-bidding deposit your ability to place further bids is cut off. Allow a sufficient buffer in your pre-bidding deposit to ensure you have the capacity to bid on any Lots which may grab your attention. Remember if you don’t make a purchase your pre-bidding deposit is released at the close of the relevant sale.

Why do Buyers need to place a deposit or a hold of funds?

Buyers agree to place a hold or deposit to ensure Sellers are protected. Only buyers with funds on account are permitted to bid, therefore giving Sellers confidence that bidders on their livestock will complete the trade.

How do I place my deposit or hold funds on account?

As with all areas of our platform we aspire to simplicity and transparency. When you first attempt to place a bid within Farm Fayre you will be offered the opportunity to place a deposit or hold funds on account.
Card Payments: If you are using a card a hold, for the amount you specify, is placed on your card. If you purchase anything on the platform these funds are held until full payment has been received. If you are not the winner on any items the hold is automatically removed after the sales room closes.
Bank Transfer: If you prefer you can lodge a deposit on account, via SEPA. If you purchase anything on the platform these funds are held until full payment has been received. If you are not the winner any funds on deposit are automatically returned to the originating account after the sales room closes.

What happens if I place a deposit, and I am the winner but don't complete payment?

If you are the highest bidder, or otherwise purchase any item, and do not complete the purchase at checkout your deposit may be confiscated and allocated to the relevant Seller and fees.

Who is Trustap?

Trustap is a third party independent payment provider whom are separate and distinct from Farm Fayre. Their platform is independently regulated to ensure maximum protection for your funds. In order to ensure that Buyers and Sellers are best protected Farm Fayre have coordinated with Trustap as a payment provider. Trustap ensure that neither party’s funds are at risk as they hold pre-bidding deposits from the Buyers, and all settlement funds (including haulage and fees) until all items are delivered and all parties satisfied. For more information see:

How do I pay?

Members are encouraged to use SEPA payments, as this is the most efficient way of transferring funds with Trustap. If the Buyer chooses to pay by SEPA the payment processing fees, of €10.00, are split equally between the Buyer and the Seller at €5.00 each. If the Buyer chooses to use card payments, that is not a problem, however please be advised that the card charges will be paid by the Buyer (which can be up to 3.0%), with the Seller contributing the regular €5.00. At checkout you will be offered the option of paying by SEPA or card. Simply follow the on screen instructions. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support.

How long after a successful purchase must I complete the payment?

Buyers are encouraged to pay immediately upon closing of sale. It is important to note that Buyers must have funds with Trustap, the third party payment provider, within 48 hours of the sales room closing. Failure to pay for items within 48 hours may lead to losing your pre-bidding deposit.

Is my pre-bidding deposit, or hold used towards the final settlement?

Currently pre-bidding holds/deposits are treated separately to settlement. Please note that upon receipt of settlement payment any hold/deposit are released as a matter of priority.

If I didn't purchase anything in the sales room when is my pre-bidding deposit, or hold, returned?

If you did not make any purchases your pre-bidding hold/deposit is returned/released to you automatically when the sales room closes.

What forms of identity are acceptable?

Either a Driver licence or Passport is acceptable. If you do not have a Driving Licence or Passport please contact Customer Support.

What proof of a Herd number is acceptable?

Any correspondence from the Department of Agriculture with your name, address, and herd number clearly shown.

My contact information has changed, how do I update my details?

Please note you cannot change your main details (Name, Address, or email) without providing updated proof of same. When you are logged into Farm Fayre, click on “My Farm Fayre” in the header banner, you can amend your contact information there.

Where can I find my Eircode?

Simply visit Here you can search by address or by using the map to locate your address.

I have forgotten my password to access Farm Fayre, what can I do?

Click on “Login” on the header banner of the Farm Fayre website; then click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the steps.

Can I update, add, or amend, my collection or delivery address?

You can easily update, add, delete, or amend your additional addresses, by clicking on “My Farm Fayre”, then “Saved Details” where you can “Add New Address” or click delete or edit to amend any address as necessary. Please note that any address that you have verified by proof of address documentation, can not be changed, unless you provide an updated proof of address.

What is Refer & Earn?

Refer and Earn is our way of thanking you for introducing new members to the Platform. As a member when you introduce a new member and they join you are rewarded with Platform credit. It’s a win-win in that the more new members you bring along the bigger the pool of bidders for Sellers, and the greater the choice of Livestock for Buyers, and you earn credit on Farm Fayre.

What are the incentives for Refer & Earn?

  • When your referred member completes their first purchase you may be rewarded with € 5.00 credit; &,
  • When that same member completes their first sale you may be rewarded with a further € 7.50 credit.
    For each new member you Refer that ultimately sells livestock on the Platform you could earn € 12.50. Is it time to go through your contacts list?

How do I ensure I receive the credit for an introduction?

For you to receive your credit, any member you introduce to Farm Fayre must specify your name as having introduced them at the sign-up stage. If they use the link you provide them to join your details will be automatically included.
The process they follow is simple, at registration, when asked “Where did you hear about us”, they select “Existing Member”, in the pop-up that opens. They type in your name (or name of referrer), and click submit. Sometimes we might ask for the email address or telephone number of the referrer, if we don’t recognise the name given. This helps us ensure everyone gets the credit they deserve.

How can I use my Farm Fayre credit?

Your earned credit can only be used against Platform fees, and cannot be used for payment to Sellers, Hauliers, nor payment providers. Platform credit cannot be converted to cash or any other item of value. Farm Fayre credit is offered at the discretion of the Platform and may be revoked, removed at our discretion or for any breach of the Terms & Conditions.

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